20lbs of pure silly!!!
DRAGON is my baby. he's 6 years old (born approximately april 1st, 2018... april fools baby!), about 20lbs and can reach doorknobs and the trashcan, and has broken my laptop multiple times simply by laying upon it, BUT! he is still my baby. : )
give this boy some pets!!

origins of my gay son
i recieved dragonfly far earlier than a cat should be recieved. he was basically dropped on our doorstep like a little orphan boy, with the owner insisting he was 8 weeks old and could be adopted out and to just take him. mind you, he looked like... this.
so, yeah. as much as he clearly wasn't old enough to be adopted, someone trying to push a grift that goofy just to get rid of a baby probably shouldn't have the baby. so at age 17 i got this little freak who i had to bottlefeed and wipe the butt of. when i say he's my baby, i mean it!

current status of the creature
Huge FUCK!!! dragon is now the size of your average boston terrier. i genuinely have no idea why he's so large, but it makes his nickname way more fitting, at least!
dragon is overwhelmingly friendly, cuddly, and chatty. he's always got something to say, and i love all the silly sounds he makes. he loves to be babied, to the point that he won't accept being in a cat crate or backpack, it has to be a cat sling. due to his baby-ness. he gives me new forms of fibromyalgia specific to carrying him around, i think.
dragon loves having his belly rubbed, going on walks, taking naps with his tummy out, snoring, and drooling. he really loves soft plushies when it comes to toys! he's got a tooth gap from his lower left canine being extracted at the dentist, and the sweetest, roundest face you can imagine. and yes, he does let me pinch his cheeks. he really accepts anything.
oh, and he really is gay. before he got neutered, he kept trying it with other male cats in the area– only male cats. i for one love my gay son. he got that from me somehow
i'm gonna add an image gallery eventually, but for now, hopefully this page on its own is enjoyable enough!
thanks for stopping in! now he sleep (real shit!!!)